Archive for August, 2019

Use Caution When Making Social Changes

Posted on 08/13/2019. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: |

I have suffered through two disastrous presidential elections when the democratic candidates had catastrophic loses. One was George McGovern’s lose to Richard Nixon in 1972 and the other was Walter Mondale’s lose to Ronald Regan in 1984.     

George McGovern won one state, Massachusetts and DC in the 1972 election
Walter Mondale won one state, Minnesota and DC in the 1948 election

A number of the democratic candidates are proposing significant changes relative to citizen verses government responsibilities, changes that are controversial and have the support of the more left democratic voters but questionable support from more moderate democrats, independents and likely few if any republicans.

If the first priority of the democratic party is to defeat Trump, this call for drastic changes in the way our country is organized and operates at this time may be counter productive.

Better to be addressing how to help the farmers who are going through some difficult times, proposing changes to health care that are understandable and possible rather than starting over and adapting a sound byte that can never pass the legislative hurdles, address the disparity between the wealthy and the workers in the country with programs that can be implemented, and fix the damn roads and bridges.

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Free E-Book August 15-19

Posted on 08/02/2019. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , |

Every ninety days an e-book exclusively listed on Amazon can be promoted by offering it as free during a five day period. I normally take advantage of this opportunity to promote one of my e-books during these periods and will be offering the book PushBack during the current period on August 15-19. I had a hard time writing PushBack. I struggled with it for six years. That should have given me a clue that authoring the book might be a bad idea. I did not have an affiliation with the places the story took place, the people, black Americans, lesbians, but I persisted.

The geneses for the book was 9/11 and the War on Terrorism. In my opinion declaring War on Terrorism is like declaring war on the ocean. What are you declaring war on, a descriptive noun? The word terrorism goes back to the first century AD. There are good terrorist and bad terrorist, depending on your point of view. The War on Terrorism persisted as a false notion in my mind until around 2005 when I decided to write a novel where the terrorist were the good guys. That is when my difficulties started in writing this novel. I have had some good reviews and some very bad reviews. I lean toward agreeing with what the bad reviews had to say. Surprisingly the book was finalist in the Foreword Book of the Year Awards.

After this introduction would anyone want to read this book. I doubt it but if they do I would dare them to write an honest review of the book.

YOUNG AFRICAN AMERICAN LAWYER JIM REED seemingly has it all. Recently named a junior partner in an Atlanta law firm, Jim is shocked when he stops at his usual gas station and realizes the price of fuel has skyrocketed overnight to fifty dollars a gallon. It is 2033, and the world as Jim knows it is suddenly spinning wildly out of control. Sudden hyperinflation shocks everyone. As panic sets in, the value of the dollar plummets and the resulting devastation causes the United States to splinter into several countries, all of which adopt democratic rules except the Federated States, the one in which Jim Reed and girlfriend Linda Alonzo live. They find themselves citizens of a country governed by a white-supremacist dictatorship. Jim Reed joins a group of African American insurgents and finds himself involved in dangerous, bold attacks on Federated States targets. The insurrection causes the Federated States government to intern or exile the entire Federated States African American population. Reed goes into exile and as he recruits like-minded people to join together with the intent to destroy the Federated States Supremacist government, he conceives a plan that may just become the world’s greatest act of terrorism.

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